We had a Choo-Choo Train theme for Ford's second birthday.
The weather was just perfect for all the fun outside activities. We
had a train bounce station, choo-choo wagon rides, and playing in the new club house
(finally finished everything up for his big birthday present ).
Ford enjoyed riding in the choo-choo train the best.
What a fun day!!!

Harris going down the slide.

Ford and Lucy sliding together.

Allie is Ford's girlfriend at his sitter's house.

Andrew, Lindsay and Web sitting in the grass to take a break.

Ford loved riding the choo-choo-train wagon.
He stayed in the wagon for most of the party.

This is a picture of the finished club house that Ford got for his birthday.

Ford blowing out the candles on his cupcake train.

Ford liked the oreo cookies better than his cupcake.

Two very cute and sweet little boys, Web and Tuck.

Mayra feeding Ford his cupcake. He is used to being feed by her daily.
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