Ford eating candy out of the Easter Eggs. Yummy, Yummy!!
He loved the goldfish the best. Thanks Easter Bunny!!

Ford and Carissa sharing eggs.

Ford just loved playing in the grass with the eggs.
Carissa and Ford on a wagon ride. Carissa was so excited and Ford was very chilled out.
Ford enjoyed going inside and outside all day long. Perfect weather for leaving the doors open.

Ford eating a yummy lunch.

Mason and Ford playing.

Ford in his cute Easter outfit he got from Mimi.

Carrisa and Mason sitting with the lamb.

Carrisa and Ford in their Sunday Outfits.

Here are some photos from Easter Sunday. We had our friends over Angie, and Darrin and their two kids Mason (3) and Carissa (14 months) for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt. The kids had so much fun and the weather was perfect.