We went up to the mountains for the weekend for Web's Baptism. It was so much fun spending time with my college friends and their families. It was the first time that I got to meet baby Web. He is such a sweet baby that always has a smile on his face. I did not hear him cry all weekend. We stayed in a super nice mountain house with Leslie, Jeff and their son Andrew and Whitney, Jay and their daughter McRea. Andrew and Ford are the same age and McRea is only a few months younger than the boys. The kids played so well together with hardly any fighting over toys. We took the kids to the park twice, played cars in the house, played on the deck with bubbles, and tried to give them a bath together. Ford did not like the idea of bathing with other kids. He cried and cried and cried to get out. Ford had a hard time eating all weekend. Thanks to Leslie and Whitney had drank his sippy cups of milk. Web's Baptism was on Sunday. He did an excellent job at the church even wanting to get in the bowl of water and smiling the whole time. The luncheon after the Baptism was perfect because the weather was so nice (70's) and the food was yummy. The children enjoyed running around on the big green grass in front of the clubhouse the best. It was such a fun weekend. I can't wait to see everybody again. Sorry that the pictures are mostly of the kids.